국제경제학 공동정책 세미나 (21.11) - 세계경제 환경의 변화와 우리의 대응 링크: 제1부> 국제통상 - 최근의 국제통상환경 변화와 정책 시사점 (서진교 박사님, KIEP) <동영상 링크 내: "47분 부터 2시간" 째 까지, 총 1시간 15분간 특히!> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4IcMzCVLS0I
1.국제통상질서의 변화 (비경제적인 요인)
1-1. WTO다자통상체제의 약화 1-2.보호주의, 경제 국수주의 지속 1-3.미중 갈등의 진화 1-4. 기후변화 대응조치 2. 국제무역의 질적 변화 (경제적인 요인 변화 추세) 2-1.서비스화 2-2. 디지털화 2-3.GVC(글로벌 공급사슬)의 진화 2-4.지역화
3. 정책적 시사점
~~~ <통상 관련 주요 Youtube 링크들 (구독 필수!) / 23.06 현재, 계속 update 예정)>
<Major IOs or Institutions and Their Video-clips on 'Trade and Gender' in the World - 무젠 관련 국내외 주요 기관 및 동영상 (As of March, 2023 - to be updated) - ☆☆☆ (강추 표시, highly recommended)
1. Public Sector (International) <공공 - 해외>
WTO> Women and Trade (https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/womenandtrade_e/womenandtrade_e.htm) - Trade and Gender Hour for International MSMEs(Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) Day (2021.06) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIRLwhIZcXw (1hr 8min) ☆☆☆ - International Women’s Day — Leading global trade: Three women, three organizations (2021.03): https://youtu.be/A7PE14OU1Pg (8min) - Webinar | Trade and Gender: Translating Knowledge into Practice (2021.06) https://youtu.be/ClNkeGHfQMc (1hr 26min) ☆☆☆ - Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a COVID-19 World (2021. 12): https://youtu.be/ViCq4WlF8jw (55min) - Session 23. Think up! Using data to make trade work for women - (WTO Gender Research Hub) (2022.07) https://youtu.be/lS0kbqKeBAs(1hr 17min) ☆☆☆ - Session 36. Gender equality in WTO architecture and FTAs (WTO) (2022.07) https://youtu.be/EhWgJHMRrJw (1hr 32min) ☆☆☆ - Session 52. Impact assessment of gender provisions in FTAs - (ETAM University, WTO) (2022.07) https://youtu.be/YXD3h7gwCSk (1hr 7min) ☆☆☆ - Think Up! WTO Gender Research Hub (2022.03) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLWcx2kaYqY (1hr 54min) ☆☆☆ - World Trade Congress on Gender: building recovery through inclusive trade (23.01) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ot-gsq2hdg (1hr 30min) ☆☆☆
EU> Gender equality and trade (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/ATAG/2019/633163/EPRS_ATA(2019)633163_EN.pdf) - Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 Parliament’s reaction and input (https://www.eumonitor.eu/9353000/1/j9vvik7m1c3gyxp/vlfno7wz22zi?ctx=vh94ercwm6u9&start_tab0=20)
UN subsidiaries>>
UNCTAD> Gender equality (https://unctad.org/topic/gender-equality) - Trade Policy through a Gender Lens ☆☆ (https://unctad.org/topic/gender-equality/trade-policy-through-a-gender-lens) (among 4 areas - Trade Policy through a Gender Lens/E-Learning on Trade and Gender (https://unctad.org/meetings-search?f[0]=sitemap%3A823)/The Global Debate on Gender/Women in STEM: Changing the narrative) - ADB-UNCTAD Virtual Seminar on Gender and Trade (2022.07): (https://unctad.org/meeting/adb-unctad-virtual-seminar-gender-and-trade) : (link to be updated) [Contact info: Ms. Simonetta Zarrilli - Chief Trade, Gender and Development Programme / T.: +41 (0) 22 917 5622 / E.: simonetta.zarrilli@unctad.org] - Webinar UN Women (2019.12): Assessing the Impact of Trade Agreements on Women’s Economic Empowerment : https://unctad.org/meeting/webinar-un-womenunctad-assessing-impact-trade-agreements-womens-economic-empowerment (1hr 17min) ☆☆☆ - UNCTAD - Making Trade Work for Gender Equality: From Evidence to Action (2017.12)
UN Global Compact 2. Private Sector (International) <민간 - 해외>
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies; 유럽정책연구원: 벨기에 소재)> - Women and Trade: A promising interface for gender equality (2021.03): (https://www.ceps.eu/ceps-events/women-and-trade-a-promising-interface-for-gender-equality/) 4 : https://youtu.be/qFGYvU9w828 (1min 27min) ☆☆☆
WEF (World Economic Forum)> - 5 ways trade can support a gender-equal recovery ☆☆ (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/12/5-ways-trade-can-support-gender-equal-recovery/)
Women_lobby_org> - 4 reasons why the new Gender Equality Strategy (2020-2025) is key in responses to the COVID-19 crisis and its aftermath (2020.03) : (https://www.womenlobby.org/4-reasons-why-the-new-Gender-Equality-Strategy-2020-2025-is-key-in-responses-to) Progress towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence (2021.05): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnWXGtk3wm4&t=11s (2hrs 2min)